With so much disruption over the past 2 years, it could have been a very bleak time for us and our pupils, what with the majority of our lessons running in school. But thankfully, due to the awesomeness of technology, we are able to keep the music making alive with the help of ZOOM, FACETIME and TEAMS! We thank you a million times over for your support!!
What happens if a school has to close, classes are in isolation, or a pupil is absent with Covid? Please keep reading...
In the event of any unpremeditated isolations or lockdowns, brought on by any primary/secondary school SLT / governors or UK government, we encourage all pupils to revert to Zoom style lessons for the interim. The parent/guardians of each pupil are to inform Rockademy directly, any unnotified absences caused by lockdowns or isolations will still fall in line with our late cancellation policy, sadly many schools are not quick to inform us of any absences, even covid related, so it remains the sole responsibility of the pupils parents/guardians to let us know and we can do our best to arrange virtual classes.
If this happens, we will be in touch promptly to arrange the Zoom lessons. You should opt for Zoom if you have the necessary equipment to do so, otherwise late cancellation charges will occur.

We Are Covid Secure
We have to remain flexible with our rules and regulations as we adapt to the ever changing govt guidance on how we ensure a safe workspace for tutors, school staff and pupils. As well as having our own safety guidelines (you'll see these below) we are also adhering to any unique polices set out by schools independently.
UPDATED 19/1/2022 Please do read below our bullet pointed safety measures that each Rockademy tutor will follow (full document is available to download/view) , as well as guidance for you to follow if you are having Rockademy tutors come to your house to teach.
Rockademy Safety Measures – Compliant with COVID-19 - update Jan 2022
To safely teach in school during the Covid19 period, all team members will follow this guideline and adhere to specific school rules and regulations set by individual schools.
Develop cleaning, handwashing, and hygiene procedures
encouraging people to follow the guidance on hand washing and hygiene
using hand sanitiser around the workplace, in addition to washrooms
frequently cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched regularly
Rockademy staff will wear face coverings if required in enclosed work spaces. This measure remains flexible depending on current govt rules and if the particular school requires special measures
2. Maintain, where possible, social distancing by
avoiding sharing workstations
asking all school staff and teacher to remind students of lesson time only if possible, with reference to our timetable so we limit our walking around school
3. Where people cannot be apart, manage transmission risk by
keeping the activity time involved as short as possible
using back-to-back or side-to-side working whenever possible
staggering arrival and departure times
reducing the number of people each person has contact with by using ‘fixed teams or partnering’
4. LFT and PCR
Rockademy staff will be required to regularly use LFT to monitor any infections
in the event of a positive LFT, staff will cease lessons and self isolate for the recommended time before retuning to face to face lessons testing negative on a LFT