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How we invoice you

To make things as easy as possible for you (and us), we have set dates throughout the year which we distribute our invoices. As we run our school lesson courses in blocks of 10, we have calculated our invoice billing cycle every 10 lessons so please...



Taking into account notified school closures for half terms and bank holidays which you are never expected to pay for (unless you have home lessons over these periods, in which case you will be billed specifically). Please see the dates below when you can expect to receive an invoice from Rockademy, we send invoices during the first week of the billing cycles, now colour coded to make it easier to see (we hope?). We aim to send all invoices out within the first week of these payment cycles, however if you enrol mid way into these cycles, your payment will be adjusted for the remainder of the weeks we have scheduled in that block... make sense? Cool. 


Invoices are sent to you by email with the help of Xero account management software. Around the invoice date (which is the first week of the new payment cycle) we ask all customers to check the spam and junk folder in case it's ended up there. Details on how to pay are on the invoice itself, or if you are unsure, just send us an email to

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School Lessons

Invoice Cycle

Our payment periods for school lessons are charged for in blocks of 10 lessons. We do not run courses along side school term dates so payments for lessons often run into to the next term (see calendar above). We operate on a rolling 10 lesson course cycle.


Any lessons you have pre paid for that have been missed by you/pupil will result in the full lesson fee standing. We cannot offer make ups or refunds if lessons are unattended. Our office staff and tutors are trained to ensure that all schools have an up to date enrollment list with lesson timetable. It is the pupils and the school staff/class teachers responsibility to maintain a good attendance for getting the pupil to lessons on time. Our tutors are trained to recognize if a pupil is unable to keep an eye on time, in this instance they will make every effort to get them for the lesson, only when this is possible.


If you do wish to cancel your enrollment then it is vital that you inform the Rockademy office team by phone or email at least 7 days BEFORE the next invoicing period, otherwise you will be automatically enrolled onto the next course cycle and the full fee will be due.

Home Lessons

Invoice Cycle

As the payment period for home lessons are charged for per half term, we use a QTY of lessons on each invoice as it may vary depending on how long a school half term is. This is also useful if you have one or two extra sessions, we would be able to issue an invoice with the total accordingly.


Any lessons you have pre paid for that have been missed by you will still be charged for at the standard lesson fee. If it is arranged far in advance (at least 7 days), and all parties are informed (Rockademy staff and tutor), then we may be able to offer a make up lesson outside of the pre paid cycle. Usually this is tied onto the end either in person or via Zoom.


If you do wish to cancel your lessons then it is vital that you inform the Rockademy office team by phone or email at least 7 days BEFORE the next invoicing period, otherwise you will be automatically enrolled onto the next course cycle.


* Our policy of cancelled lessons is clearly stared on the terms and conditions handout which you will receive upon enrolling and at various times throughout the year. It is important you read through the lessons information pack so that you are aware of our cancellation policy. If you have no copy of the terms and conditions/information pack, please request one by contacting us

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© 2023 by ROCKADEMY

© Images for logo were created by Rockademy and/or associates of the company. We reserve the rights for all

images, text and layout featured on this website


Monday-Friday 9am-3pm

​Saturday CLOSED



Monday-Friday 8:30am-8:00pm

​Saturday CLOSED


ADDRESS for mail only


10 McDonough Close




Call/WhatsApp us on:    07907 375 384



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